Saturday, February 16, 2013

What time it is?

Oh dear God and/or Goddess.

I have volunteered to start a Brownie troop. Which everyone thinks is a great idea and wants their daughters to join and Oh-Gee-It's-Great-Someone-Wants-To-Start-A-Troop! Except no one really wants to LEAD a troop. And S- reeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy wants to be a Brownie. Cause, you know-Uniforms! Brownie Badges! A cool Brownie skort! So, here I am, about to be a Brownie leader, cause I have all the time in the world.

Actually, Pastor Patty told me last week that I was the busiest woman she knows and I was like, "Huh?" I'm not busy, I just work full time, take 2 college classes, homeschool S-, try to sing in the choir once in a while, maybe participate in a play (that was before college, though, to be fair) and walk the dog and put drops in the cat's ears....and maybe clean my house. Once in a while. Like when company is coming-and when do I ever have company? Next week, that's when-when I have a parent meeting for BROWNIES! Oh, God. Now I've got to bake and cook.

Thank Gods, Goddesses, Buddha and all the Bodhisattvas that I have Mr. H who does all the cooking, helps tremendously with cleaning and basically runs the homeschool AND generally makes sure the bills are paid and the house doesn't explode.

One consequence of all this is am now officially a Pintster. How very Pinteresting, how Pinsterific. I tried explaining to Mr. what Pinterest is. "It's like social media for girls. And a few gay guys." Those who like to share twee things, like wedding dresses and cutesy crafts while keeping away from WTF/NSFL gifs and evil, evil internet Trolls. I really, really, really was not Pinterested in joining. But my google search to find amazing and interesting things to do with a gaggle of Brownies led me directly there and....I did find some great Girl Scout things to do. Apparently, that is where all the GS leaders hang out: on Pinterest. I'm not even sure how to tell you to find me there. I thinks it's this: 

Now if you'll excuse me, I have homework to do.

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